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Green Coffee Bean |
No doubt you have seen the reports and all the hype about green coffee beans and coffee bean extract, regarding how it can help you lose weight, as well as some other benefits.
The truth is, green coffee bean extract can help you to lose weight, boost your energy and curb appetite, but you must make sure to purchase a QUALITY PRODUCT. With so many places to buy coffee bean extract online, it can be a daunting task to figure out which ones are best, and which ones to not waste your money on.
This site will serve to help you make the decision on which coffee bean extract to buy, as only a few of the top brands of green coffee bean extract are evaluated here. If your're looking for some scientific information, please make sure to check out those pages as well by clicking on any of the page tabs above.
Our Top Performing Coffee Bean Extracts
Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract
- All of the ingredients are not only listed on the bottle, but are also available right on the website, as well as being 100% natural.
- GCA (chlorogenic acid) content is stated as 50%.
- Performance and success rate for all 3 of these top performers is excellent. Expect results within a few weeks, with maximum weight loss at around 5 months.
- The price is right with this one. $50 for a 1 month supply. $100 for 3 months supply, and $130 for 5 months.
- SPECIAL: Get to the order page, exit out and be offered an additional 20% OFF!! That means, $40 for 1 month supply, $80 for 3 months, and $104 for 5 months.
- Free Shipping on all orders.
Maxtrim Green Coffee Extract
Maxtrim pulls in the #2 spot with an overall rating of 8.6 / 10.
- Ingredients claim 100% natural, but cannot be found on the website. Contact manufacturer for ingredient info. Maxtrim gets dinged on the score for this lack of transparency.
- GCA content is not stated, but is assumed to be industry standard of 50%. Users of the product have had success, so this green coffee extract should be similar to competing products. Once again, Maxtrim gets dinged a little on the score for this.
- Performance and success rate (weight loss) with this product is similar to that of the others.
- Price is decent. $53 for 1 month supply, $98 for 3 months, and $148 for a 5 month supply
- Free shipping.
- Exit on order page will get you a special "Buy One - Get One Free" deal. Meaning a 2 month supply for just $53.
GCB Lean 800
GCB Lean 800 ranks #3 in our top 3 performing green coffee extract product reviews, rating at 8.4 / 10.
- Ingredients are not fully listed on the website and are not immediately disclosed. It is assumed that this green coffee extract are 100% natural. Contains green coffee extract and raspberry ketones, which helps to break down fat in the liver and abdominal area. GCB Lean gets dinged on score for not disclosing all ingredients.
- GCA content is stated as 50%.
- Like the others, success and performance has been shown to be very similar. Expect results in a few weeks with maximum benefit in around 5 months.
- While the price is still decent, it's not as affordable as the first two. $58 for a 1 month supply. $96 for a 3 month supply, and $145 for a 5 month supply.
- Free shipping on orders over 1 bottle only.
Buy Coffee Bean Extract
Side by Side Product Comparison
Here, we have compared the top 3 green coffee bean extract products side by side. As you can see, with all 3 products being similar in effectiveness, with only minor differences, the Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract easily takes the top spot with price alone. Couple that with full transparency of the ingredients, free product and shipping, and you have a great pick.
How Does Green Coffee Bean Extract Help You Lose Weight?
Green coffee bean extract helps with weight loss because of the phytochemicals contained in the green coffee beans. A phytochemical is a natural chemical compound that is found in plants. Caffeine and antioxidants are examples of phytochemicals. For more info on phytochemicals, click here.
The main phytochemical, responsible for weight loss, found in green coffee beans, is called Chlorogenic Acid (GCA). The GCA found in green coffee beans works by controlling (inhibiting) the release of glucose into the body, while at the same time, increasing the rate at which fat is metabolized in the liver. By controlling the rate at which glucose enters the bloodstream, appetite is also controlled. So, green coffee beans have sort of a 3 way synergistic effect when it comes to losing weight.
For more detailed explanation of how green coffee bean extract helps with weight loss, check out our page "Coffee Bean Extract - Weight Loss"
Some Words of Advice Regarding Coffee Bean Extract...
It should be noted, that for maximum weight loss effectiveness, these green coffee bean extracts should be coupled with a nutritious, healthy diet and a good exercise regimen. Also, all coffee bean extract products naturally contain caffeine. This cannot be helped, as the caffeine is contained in the coffee beans themselves. If you are sensitive to caffeine, use coffee bean extract products with care, and consult your physician before beginning any type of supplementation or exercise program.
Some of the coffee bean extract products contain other ingredients as well, so please make sure you are not allergic or sensitive to anything in the product before taking it!
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Like all dietary supplements, including vitamins, these products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. The results mentioned on this page regarding these coffee bean extract products are achievable, but should not be considered as what you will achieve. You may do better, or worse than these results. How much weight you will lose depends entirely on several factors, including but not limited to: your level of activity, your diet, and how much effort in general you put into losing weight.